Red and Green Lentil Moussaka - Quick and Easy

Suitable from six months old

Table of Contents

    Dish of home baked red and green lentil moussaka ready to serve

    Red and green lentil Moussaka is an incredibly wholesome and nutritious dish that can be a wonderful addition to a baby's diet during the weaning stage. While it may require some time and effort to prepare, the end result is absolutely worth it. This vegetarian twist on the traditional Moussaka introduces protein-rich lentils as a base, providing essential nutrients for your little one's growth and development. Not only does this dish offer a fantastic blend of flavours with its layers of lentils, courgette, aubergine, and potato but it also exposes babies to a variety of textures and tastes, encouraging them to explore and develop their palate. The vibrant colours of the lentils and vegetables also make it visually appealing, making mealtime an enjoyable and interactive experience for both parent and baby. With its wholesome ingredients and delicious taste, red and green lentil Moussaka is sure to be a hit during the exciting journey of baby-led weaning (and for your whole family too).

    Red lentils are a fantastic addition to a baby's diet during the baby-led weaning phase. These little legumes pack a powerful nutritional punch, making them an excellent choice for introducing solid foods. Red lentils are loaded with iron, essential for healthy brain development and energy production. They are also rich in protein and fibre, aiding in digestion and promoting a feeling of fullness. Besides, their soft texture makes them easy for babies to pick up and self-feed, fostering independence and improving fine motor skills. Red lentils can be prepared in various ways, from purees to lentil patties, providing versatile options for introducing this nutritious ingredient to your little one's diet.

    Green lentils are a fantastic addition to a baby's diet during the exciting stage of baby-led weaning. Packed with essential nutrients, these tiny legumes provide a wide range of health benefits. Rich in protein, iron, and fibre, green lentils aid in the healthy growth and development of babies. The soft texture of cooked lentils makes them easy for babies to pick up and chew, promoting their fine motor skills. Additionally, lentils are a great source of complex carbohydrates, making them a perfect choice for sustained energy throughout the day. By introducing green lentils into your little one's diet, you are not only providing them with vital nutrients but also fostering their independence and self-feeding skills.

    Potatoes make for a fantastic food choice when it comes to baby-led weaning. These humble veggies offer lots of benefits for your little one's developing palate and overall health. Packed with essential nutrients like vitamin C, potassium, and dietary fibre, potatoes allow your baby to experience a wide range of flavours and textures while supporting their growth and development. The soft, easily mashable texture of cooked potatoes makes them ideal for little hands to grasp and explore, promoting self-feeding skills. Additionally, similar to the green lentils potatoes introduce your baby to the complex carbohydrates needed for energy, while being naturally low in fat. With their versatility and gentle taste, potatoes can be steamed, baked, or pureed to create delicious, homemade baby meals. So, go ahead and introduce this versatile veggie to your baby's diet, offering them a nutritious, satisfying start on their journey of exploration and taste discovery.

    Courgette, is a wonderful vegetable to introduce to your little one during the exciting journey of baby led weaning. Packed with essential vitamins and minerals, courgette offers numerous benefits for your baby's growth and development. Its soft, easily manageable texture makes it an ideal food for tiny hands to grasp and explore. Courgettes are gentle on the digestive system, making them a gentle food for those little tummies. Rich in vitamin C, courgettes provide a natural boost to your baby's immune system. This versatile vegetable can be steamed, roasted, or even grated into purees, allowing you to experiment with various tastes and textures, ultimately encouraging your baby to embrace a diverse and healthy diet. Introducing courgette early on during baby led weaning is a fantastic way to nurture your child's love for nutritious food while promoting their overall well-being.

    Aubergine, is a versatile and nutrient-rich vegetable that offers numerous benefits for baby-led weaning. Packed with vitamins, minerals, aubergine supports the healthy development and growth of babies. Its low-calorie nature makes it an ideal addition to a balanced diet for weight management. The vibrant purple skin of the aubergine contains powerful antioxidants that help boost the immune system and protect against cell damage. Moreover, its soft and creamy flesh is perfect for babies to grasp and explore during their self-feeding journey, allowing them to develop their fine motor skills and promote independence. Rich in potassium, folate, and vitamins A and C, aubergine contributes to the overall well-being of little ones and encourages a lifelong love for nutritious food.

    Spinach is a fantastic food to introduce to your baby during the baby led weaning process. Packed with essential nutrients, this leafy green vegetable provides numerous benefits for your little one's development. Spinach is a great source of iron, which is crucial for healthy red blood cell production and overall growth. Additionally, it is rich in calcium, promoting strong bones and teeth. The high fibre content aids in digestion and helps prevent constipation. Moreover, spinach is loaded with antioxidants, vitamins A and C, which boost the immune system and support eye health. Its mild taste and soft texture make it an ideal food for babies to grasp and explore independently. By introducing spinach, you are not only cultivating a love for healthy greens but also nourishing your baby with an array of vitamins and minerals.

    Ingredient information

    Olive oil - You could use unsalted butter as well if you wanted, or both for added flavour.

    Courgette - I have used a grater to cut the courgette, works perfectly to get a very thin slice.

    Aubergine - You could cook the aubergine slices on the hob using a griddle pan if you like a smokey taste to your dish.

    Potato - The potato makes a perfect top to this recipe, works so well with the cheese on top too!

    Passata - You could use 2 tins of chopped tomatoes instead of the passata, but I love using a smooth base to this recipe.

    Green lentils - These work great alongside the lentils to add a little bite to the sauce.

    Red lentils - These are great to add to sauces for nutritional value and to add thickness to a sauce.

    Red pepper - I have added a red pepper for added sweetness, and an extra veggie to the recipe.

    Onion - The perfect base to a sauce and this is great for the start of the sauce. Cook the onions for as long as you can to release the maximum flavour.

    Garlic - I have used fresh garlic if you need a good garlic crusher I use this grater.

    Oregano - A great dried herb to have in the cupboard, I use this herb in many pasta based recipes.

    Mixed herbs - The staple that I have in my cupboard all the time, perfect for so many different recipes.

    Spinach - I have used frozen spinach, this is great as I know I always have some in the freezer, fresh can of course be used too!

    Stock cube - I have used a zero salt veggie stock cube, you can use a low salt version too, this is best from 6 months old.

    Balsamic vinegar - I love to add a touch of balsamic to tomato sauce based dishes, adds a needed twang the dish needs. You can use white vinegar too!

    Cheese - To make the recipe fully vegan and dairy free, you will only need to swap out this ingredient, for a vegan cheese of your choice.

    Portion of red and green lentil moussaka on toddler plate

    Serving suggestion

    You could serve this red and green lentil moussaka with my roasted rainbow carrot recipe or you could serve with cucumber or green beans. The red and green lentil moussaka is a complete meal in itself so you do not have to serve with anything else if you did not want to.

    Red and green lentil moussaka served on toddler plate with a side of cucumber

    Storage instructions

    It is very easy to store the moussaka. All you will need to do, is store in large or small airtight containers. The moussaka can then be stored in the fridge for 3 days. Or the moussaka can be stored in the same way in the freezer for 3 months.

    Equipment used to help with this recipe

    Grater - I like a stainless steel grater and this one comes with two grater plates and a secure, snap on lid so you can directly store leftover grated food in the fridge.

    Ceramic baking dish - For oven baked dishes, I love to use a ceramic dish - they are durable and can withstand high oven temperatures. A baking dish and serving dish in one!

    Saucepans - So many pan sets out there but I particularly like to use pans with a non-stick surface for ease of cleaning and ones that are suitable for different types of hob surface.

    Baking sheet - I have chosen to use a non-stick and BPA free baking sheet - they are easy to clean and, if you buy more than one, easily stackable and easily stored.

    Airtight container (large) - I much prefer the click-shut lids on these containers compared to others. They are also dishwasher and freezer safe and BPA free, so very suitable for food use. 

    Airtight container (small) - Just 180 ml storage capacity but very useful for leftovers and freezing small baby portions.

    Recipe | Red and Green Lentil Moussaka

    Red and green lentil moussaka serving on toddler dish with side of cucumber

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    Makes 10 portions for baby

    • 4 tablespoons olive oil

    • 1 courgette, thinly sliced lengthways (I used a peeler)

    • 1 aubergine. Sliced lengthways

    • 2 medium baking potatoes, peeled and thinly sliced

    • 1 500g box passata

    • 1 390g tin green lentils, drained weight 235g

    • 130g red lentils, rinsed

    • 1 red pepper, diced

    • 2 small onions or 1 medium onion, diced

    • 2 garlic cloves, crushed or grated

    • 1 tablespoon oregano

    • 1 tablespoon mixed herbs

    • 185g frozen spinach

    • 1 zero salt vegetable stock cube

    • 500ml hot water (plus extra for the potatoes)

    • 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar

    • 250g cheddar cheese


    • Start by pre heating the oven to 180 degrees (fan oven).

    • Place your sliced courgette on a baking sheet, and place the aubergine on a separate baking sheet and drizzle both trays with olive oil. Approx 2 tablespoons.

    • Pop the trays In the oven, and cook for 15 minutes. Once cooked set aside.

    • Add the rest of the olive oil In a large saucepan and add in the onion and the red pepper and cook for 15 minutes on a medium heat. Stir often.

    • Whilst the onions and peppers are cooking, add some hot water to a different saucepan bring to the boil and add in the sliced potato and cook for 10-12 minutes until soft. Once cooked drain, and set aside with the courgette and aubergine.

    • Once the onions and peppers are soft, add in the garlic and cook for 2 minutes.

    • Add in the passata, herbs, red and green lentils, spinach, stock cube and 500ml hot water. and stir. Cover and cook for 30-35 minutes.

    • After 30-35 minutes, Add in the balsamic vinegar and stir.

    • Grab your 9x9 inch dish and start by layering up your dish, start with the lentils, then the courgette and aubergine and repeat.

    • Top the bake with the potatoes and sprinkle with cheddar cheese.

    • Bake in the oven for 30 minutes until the cheese is bubbling.

    • Leave to cool slightly before serving to your baby.

    Hope you and your family enjoy!

    Recipe notes

    As mentioned above this recipe can be made dairy free/vegan by replacing the cheddar cheese with dairy free/vegan cheese. You could add a white sauce to top the bake, I chose not to as I felt it would take away from the flavours of the other ingredients.

    Red and green lentil moussaka served on toddler plate

    ©The Petit Spoon

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    This article was written by Lindsay, the creator and owner of The Petit Spoon, who is on a mission to provide quick and easy to follow, affordable baby-led weaning recipes. With a background in child nutrition and hospitality, Lindsay understands the importance of nourishing little ones with wholesome foods that support their growth and development.

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