Broccoli Pizza (Homemade Easy BLW Recipe)

Table of Contents

    Whole broccoli, tomato and cheese pizza on toddler plate

    Who doesn’t love pizza?

    This small pizza recipe is healthy and delicious so you can know that you are giving your little ones a healthy lunch or dinner that includes some greens!

    I have included broccoli onto this pizza as I know my son will give it a go as it looks fun and delicious with the cheese and tomato!

    It was a close call between spinach or broccoli and I went for broccoli! Spinach you could actually hide a little bit more of you were to mix it into the tomato purée!

    The great news is if you’re vegan or your little ones are following a plant based diet, tortillas are usually vegan and dairy free! All you would need to do is follow with a vegan/dairy free cheese of your choice!

    If your little one is gluten free, you could use a gluten free wrap, the gluten free wraps are usually the larger wraps, so if you double the recipe this would cover a large tortilla! This goes for a regular tortilla too, double the recipe if you wanted a larger pizza!

    I love that this recipe is versatile for all and can be tailored so that everyone can enjoy !

    You can really get creative with this recipe and add a few more veggies like sweetcorn or some shredded chicken!

    I’d love to know what you think of this recipe and if your little ones enjoyed it!

    Ingredient information

    Mini tortilla - If you haven’t tried mini tortillas you must! They are great to have in, and most have a long shelf life! They are great for lunches for your kids!

    Tender stem broccoli - I find tender stem works well with this recipe, but you can use broccoli florets chopped up small.

    Tomato purée - This is a great base for any tomato based sauce and it is great as a stand alone rich tomato sauce! Perfect as a pizza based sauce so works so well in this recipe!

    Mixed herbs - I have used mixed herbs as this is a great herb to have in the store cupboard and is a staple in so many homes! If you had Italian seasoning you could use that too!

    Mature Red Leicester cheese - if you haven’t tried a mature Red Leicester you must! It’s soo tasty! You can of course use cheddar or even some mozzarella! Or a mixture of both!

    Whole broccoli, tomato and cheese pizza on toddler plate

    Serving suggestion

    You could serve this with some homemade fries I have a recipe for home made fries here Baked Skin On Fries

    Or you could serve with some cucumber sticks, red pepper sticks or even some avocado with a squeeze of lime!

    Whole broccoli, tomato and cheese pizza on toddler plate

    Storage instructions

    This can be kept in the fridge in an airtight container for up to 2 days and it can be kept in the freezer in an airtight container for up to 3 months! So you will always have a lunch ready to go!

    Recipe | Broccoli Pizza

    Whole broccoli, tomato and cheese pizza on toddler plate

    Alt text Alt text Alt text

    Makes 1 meal for little or big tummies

    • 1 mini white tortilla

    • 1 stork tender stem broccoli, storks chopped and tops left long

    • 1 1/2 teaspoons of tomato paste

    • 1/2 teaspoon mixed herbs

    • 20g mature Red Leicester cheese


    1. Start pre heating the grill.

    2. Boil the broccoli stem in hot water for 10 minutes. Once cooked, drain and set aside.

    3. Spread the tomato purée onto the tortilla, leaving a slight gap around the edges.

    4. Sprinkle the mixed herbs over the tomato purée.

    5. Then sprinkle the broccoli storks I’ve the tomato purée and mixed herbs.

    6. Sprinkle the cheese over the broccoli and decorate the top with the remaining tops of the broccoli.

    7. If you wanted to disguise the broccoli you don’t have to place the tops of the broccoli on top, you can cut the broccoli really small, and place the cheese on top.

    8. Pop the tortilla pizza under the grill for 5 minutes. Keep watch as you don’t want it to burn.

    9. Leave to cool for 5 minutes and serve.

      Hope you and your family enjoy!

    Recipe notes

    You could fold the tortilla over to make a quesadilla type shape, if you wanted to hide the look of the broccoli!

    Whole broccoli, tomato and cheese pizza on toddler plate

    ©The Petit Spoon

    Content and photographs are copyright protected and need prior permission to use elsewhere. Copying and/or pasting full recipes to other websites and any social media is strictly prohibited. Sharing and using the link of this recipe is both encouraged and appreciated! Share this post now!


    This article was written by Lindsay, the creator and owner of The Petit Spoon, who is on a mission to provide quick and easy to follow, affordable baby-led weaning recipes. With a background in child nutrition and hospitality, Lindsay understands the importance of nourishing little ones with wholesome foods that support their growth and development.

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